
My quest to play every game to have been #1 on the UK’s official games charts has taken me to the end of 1990.

After the dead space of 1989, anything had to be an improvement, and 1990 started out particularly brightly with a rush of new ideas across various formats. From there things took a less positive direction, but Shadow Warriors showed that even stale-seeming genres can still have something to offer. 

All of 1990′s reviews in one place:

I also started a new irregular series of posts on the biggest games not to come under the realm of the charts. There were two Uncharted entries in 1990:

Previously: 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989

Coming up next: sports (real and imagined), rodents (two different ones), and the Spectrum’s last hurrah…