Tag: 1990

#38: Ivan ‘Ironman’ Stewart’s Super Off-Road (Graftgold/Virgin Games, Amiga, 1990)

#36: Turrican (Rainbow Arts, Amiga, 1990) Last time we encountered Manfred Trenz and Chris Hülsbeck, it was with The Great Giana Sisters, a game whose debt to Super…

#32: Damocles (Novagen, Amiga, 1990) Damocles isn’t only about exploring, though. The metaphorical dangling sword of the title is a comet called Damocles, headed towards the planet Eris….

#32: Damocles (Novagen, Amiga, 1990) There’s a lot to see and the sense of a vast setting, but it’s not always the busiest one. Producing such a vast…