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A British history of popular video games, told one sales chart #1 at a time

“The Dragonborn is an exception to all the rules” – The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Stillness is the move.

“All unknowns are hostile” – Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Join the non-stopping service from Canary Wharf to Westminster…

“The Middle Way” – Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception

Looks like an action movie, plays like an action movie, could do with being paced more like an action movie…

“I just work here” – Battlefield 3

Battlefield steps up to a well-trodden path

“This bastard’s got everything” – Batman: Arkham City

2011’s Batman benefits from the same flexibility as 1986’s Batman, but some new video game villains have turned up

“Car Explorer” – Forza Motorsport 4

A refined experience and a wave of not-too-significant choices make for the cosiest of driving games. Mostly.

“I saw your picture hanging on the back of my door” – FIFA 12

It’s yearly update time again, now with added exploitation!

“Get the popcorn” – Gears of War 3

A more lived-in world turns mostly into a game about Gears of War

“Sure don’t smell too pretty” – Dead Island

An optimistic zombie procedural makes for a kind of success, even if it wasn’t the one promised in the trailer

“The place where metal met flesh” – Deus Ex: Human Revolution

I am so bad at stealth games, but that didn’t stop me enjoying this one.