Tag: Xbox 360Page 2 of 6

“Hold X for Death Machine” – Call of Duty: Black Ops

In Who Hunts the Whale, Laura Kate Dale and Jane Aerith Magnet’s tremendously angry novel about game development, there is a bit where the executives are deciding on…

“Sometimes I make up little stories in my head about what the numbers mean” – Fallout: New Vegas

The provision of player choice comes with an associated player responsibility to suspend disbelief of all of the bits which inevitably don’t make sense. It mostly feels like a worthwhile trade, and that’s not just down to the strength of the narrative philosophy but that of its execution.

“Opposing Forces” – Medal of Honor (2010)

In 2010, it was just eight years since Medal of Honor was one of the biggest things in gaming. Yet the series had already spent more than half the time since flailing in identity crisis, lurching from reimagining to reimagining even before Call of Duty took its place at the top.

“Better get going, Six” – Halo: Reach

Spotify and fellow music streaming services have killed the Greatest Hits album. People can listen to a group’s most famous songs together whenever they like; why would they…

“It ain’t like you’re qualified for anything else” – Mafia II

As Rockstar successfully expanded out its open world Grand Theft Auto formula to new settings, they were far from alone. Such was the boom for the genre around…

“It’s fucked” – Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

Before reaching this point in 2010’s journey, there was only one thing I knew about Kane & Lynch. It was that in 2007 the video game website Gamespot…

“Mega ultra power dosing” – Crackdown 2

Ponder the orb. All around in Crackdown 2, as in the original game, there are agility orbs which permanently boost your powers when collected. Collect them and you…

“Nowhere to run now, Dan Brown” – Alan Wake

There is a concept which rings somewhat true to me of an “anxious interval” in cultural nostalgia. As described by Elizabeth Sandifer citing Momus, the interval is “the…

“Shoot lights to create shadows” – Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Conviction

Seven years and six games into the espionage of the Splinter Cell series, it was about time for the entry where Sam Fisher’s own organisation are turned against…

“Ain’t no love in the world of international espionage” – Just Cause 2

For the past month I have been playing Just Cause 2 alongside The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. It’s been an interesting experience because it has…