Tag: The Secret of Monkey IslandPage 1 of 2

A selection of hit video games in the UK, 1990 (click titles for blog entries) Damocles (Novagen, Amiga) Tetris (Nintendo, NES) North & South (Infogrames, Amiga) Prince of…

#41: The Secret of Monkey Island (Lucasfilm Games, Amiga, 1990) For a long time, its own sequel aside, The Secret of Monkey Island was unquestionably the funniest game ever…

#41: The Secret of Monkey Island (Lucasfilm Games, Amiga, 1990)

#41: The Secret of Monkey Island (Lucasfilm Games, Amiga, 1990)

#41: The Secret of Monkey Island (Lucasfilm Games, Amiga, 1990) Ah, the good old days.

vegetablerightsandpeace: I had way too much fun making inventory for my Guybrush Threepwood costume for Halloween. Even if barely anyone at the party knew who Guybrush even was.

tired-eyes-on-fire: Me, everyday.

#41: The Secret of Monkey Island (Lucasfilm Games, Amiga, 1990)