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Uncharted #2 – Tetris

Nintendo, Game Boy, 1990

あああ – Japan’s #1 games, 1989

[A recurring feature each time I complete a year in the UK, in which I catch up with the games to have been #1 in the archived Japanese…

#47: Dr. Mario (Nintendo, NES, 1990/1991)  Another game about manipulating things falling into a well, it’s complicated enough compared to Tetris to stand on its own, but not…

A selection of hit video games in the UK, 1990 (click titles for blog entries) Damocles (Novagen, Amiga) Tetris (Nintendo, NES) North & South (Infogrames, Amiga) Prince of…

#33: Tetris (Nintendo, Game Boy, 1989) Paul McCartney, so the story goes, woke up with the tune to “Yesterday” in his head, fully formed, and had to be…

#33: Tetris (Nintendo, NES, 1989)

sethblizzard: The win screen after you defeat B-type level 9 in Tetris (NES). Clockwise right to left: Princess Peach, Mario and Luigi, Samus Aran and Link, Bowser, Pit…

#33: Tetris (Nintendo, NES, 1989)

#33: Tetris (Nintendo, Game Boy, 1989) The NES version of Tetris is also not the version that the world at large remembers playing. Which is not to say…

#33: Tetris (Microsoft, Windows, 1990) [screenshot credit to WinWorld as I failed to run it on Windows 10] The NES version is by no means the definitive version of…