[For this guest post, I am happy to welcome back Iain Farrell, who previously wrote about Sonic 3 and Mercenaries. You can find Iain on twitter as @iainfarrell.] If…
Up to this point in the Super Chart Island story, Ubisoft have been a company with one successful imperialist brand and some moderate publishing deals. Assassin’s Creed became…
It’s dark. You’ve slowly picking your way through enemy territory, laying down and crawling to cower from helicopter spotlights, remaining cautious and vigilant. It’s a slow, laborious process….
[For this guest post, I am once again joined by Kurt Lewin, who previously wrote about Gran Turismo 4. You can find Kurt on twitter as @Angry_Kurt, and…
A rising tide lifts all boats. Even at the height of street racing game mania, when Need for Speed, Burnout, Midnight Club and Juiced games all topped the…
When reading contemporary reviews of Halo 3, I found talk of Bungie’s testing and refining process in developing the game particularly interesting. Rob Fahey’s review for Eurogamer, for…