I can see where the wow factor would have come from in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories. In 2001, when Grand Theft Auto III was achieving mind-blowing…
For all of the attendant pomp and ceremony, the World Cup is just a bunch of football matches, right? That’s the approach EA Sports relied on, with FIFA…
If the success of Shadow of the Colossus was the perfect proof-of-concept for games as award-season movie, Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend is a good match for a…
In my post on FIFA Street, I talked about MC Harvey’s performance in the game, doing ”quadruple service as commentator, hypeman, provider of advice, and stand-in for the…
The Chart-track chart commentaries I have been putting at the end of each post tend not to get involved in matters of quality. From Juiced to Grand Theft…