What’s this? Well, Oh No! More Lemmings was a sequel or expansion pack of sorts–depending on your personal view–to Lemmings, containing 100 more levels which the credits ticker warns are tougher than the first–though it admits some are easier, too. The 100 levels are divided into five ratings this time–Tame, Crazy, Wild, Wicked, and Havoc–and except for exactly one exception, they all play the same as Lemmings The First. All of the original skills and rules are present and untouched in Oh No! More Lemmings, so if you wanted more Lemmings and just more Lemmings, well, here you go!
So aside from just having new levels, is anything different? Well, yes! The music is no longer a mix of lovingly rendered public domain music, it’s six original tracks by Tony Williams (converted to the Amiga by Brian Johnston, who did half the music for Lemmings), or, if you happen to be playing on the Acorn Archimedes, 25 tracks by Matt Furniss. There’s also new tilesets for the levels, and speaking of the levels, none of them are going to be level revisits! Yes, each level is completely original this time around so we won’t be seeing four different iterations of “We All Fall Down” or three iterations of “Just A Minute”.
Compared to Lemmings, I’m going into this one completely blind. I played a fair amount of Lemmings before deciding to blog about it, but I’ve only played the first few levels of Oh No! More Lemmings as well as the two included in Xmas Lemmings ‘91. I don’t know how tough Oh No! is going to get, but I guess we’ll find out soon!
We’ve written twoposts about Lemmings now, but we’ve got nothing on @lemmingsdiary, an awesome blog in which someone is playing through every level from the Lemmings games in sequence.