My quest to play every game to have been #1 on the UK’s official games charts has taken me to the end of 1992!
1992′s #1s presented a year of competing visions of the future, be it the colourful techstorm of the next generation of consoles, taking 3D even further, extended narrative cinematics, or just coming up with a completely new concept for a familiar type of game. Even though I haven’t liked all of it, the sense of excitement and change has come through.
- WWF Wrestlemania (Twilight, Ocean, Amiga)
- Formula 1 Grand Prix (Geoff Crammond/MicroProse, Amiga)
- Project-X (Team17, Amiga)
- Epic (Digital Image Design/Ocean, Amiga)
- Sensible Soccer (Sensible Software/Renegade, Amiga)
- Zool (Gremlin Graphics, Amiga)
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Sega, Mega Drive)
- Street Fighter II (Creative Materials/US Gold, Amiga)
I also wrote another entry for my Uncharted series on the most popular games outside of the chart world:
Previously: 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991
Coming up next: Pointing and clicking, controversy-making, piloting, and more…