Author: iain.mewPage 4 of 106

“Voice of freedom” – Homefront

After Modern Warfare’s breakthrough success with blockbuster emotional manipulation, the stakes of similar games rapidly escalated. When Infinity Ward themselves needed to up the ante for Modern Warfare…

“A wizard did it” – Dragon Age II

Way back in 1985, Rare predecessors Ultimate scored two UK #1s in quick succession by following up the isometric 3D Knight Lore with Alien 8. The two games…

“Liberate Pokémon? That’s not even possible!” – Pokémon White

Pokémon White is the first new Pokémon game I’m playing which wasn’t for a new system as well. Well, sort of. Yellow, Platinum and Soulsilver could fit the…

“Well, that worked” – Killzone 3

After a deflating twist away from the possibility of a new outlook, what follows is pretty much Killzone 2 again…

“Traffic violation” – Test Drive Unlimited 2

Perhaps Eden Games were right to suspect that great driving on a big map wasn’t enough on its own to stand out. That’s about where the right decisions there end…

“Get well soon!!” – Dead Space 2

Dead Space 2 is not actually the most blood-flecked #1 game of early 2011, but makes up for it with a whole line in stomping on corpses

“The Cakeinator” – Littlebigplanet 2

The closer I move towards the present day, the more out of reach much of the history gets. Online elements became a central feature of more games, and barely more than a decade later the servers are shut down and they’re gone.

“Don’t stop, make it pop” – Just Dance 2

At least one primary school class ended a day this week by dancing along to a video of Just Dance 4’s version of “Gangnam Style”

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

See World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade.

“The car is heavy” – Gran Turismo 5

Back in 1998, Gran Turismo arrived close to fully formed as a deep racing game with impressive handling and an upgrade loop that made playing it an experience…