Author: iain.mewPage 3 of 106

“I saw your picture hanging on the back of my door” – FIFA 12

It’s yearly update time again, now with added exploitation!

“Get the popcorn” – Gears of War 3

A more lived-in world turns mostly into a game about Gears of War

“Sure don’t smell too pretty” – Dead Island

An optimistic zombie procedural makes for a kind of success, even if it wasn’t the one promised in the trailer

“The place where metal met flesh” – Deus Ex: Human Revolution

I am so bad at stealth games, but that didn’t stop me enjoying this one.

“Relic of a different era” – Duke Nukem Forever

Let’s think about fifteen years. Duke Nukem 3D was released in 1996, to quite some acclaim and success, adding different kinds of freedom to the early first person…

“Investigation music plays” – L.A. Noire

On the unique folly of L.A. Noire, with reference to Ace Attorney, Mad Men, and the allure and decay of beautiful facades

“Live fire exercises” – Brink

Trying and failing to find my into one of the most modern-feeling games yet

“Aristotle vs. mashy spike plate” – Portal 2

The perfect blend of magic and logistics, and how to come back and do it all over again but bigger

“Just have fun” – Zumba Fitness

Zumba Fitness, even more obviously non-functional than Just Dance, spent fourteen weeks as the UK’s #1 game

“Your obscene cyborg dreams” – Crysis 2

First-person shooters took over as one of the leading genres of games in the UK in the early 2000s. This accelerated as part of the Xbox 360’s success,…