Author: iain.mewPage 14 of 106

“Many uses for the Wii Remote” – Wii Play

The current UK #1 game is Horizon Forbidden West. It has now returned to the top of the chart in May and June 2022 three times. This is…

“Now, that’s a car” – Transformers: The Game

There is a central freedom to Grand Theft Auto which helped power its success and got picked up by so many of its successors. Move around a city,…

“Saving a lot of data” – Pokémon Diamond

It’s not just the DS’s touchscreen which changed the game; its clamshell form brings an additional bit of tactile magic. Open it up and a world inside comes…

“Fundamental movement” – Forza Motorsport 2

Way back when I was playing through 1995 I talked about how the way the games industry is organised, with rival console exclusives, leads to both a general…

“Even your mother would be embarrassed at your oafish moves” – Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End

The game Spider-Man 3 was a continuation of a well-received series, made by a respected developer, using a movie series which was a perfect fit for the type…

“Pete, pick up the pace” – Spider-Man 3

Even as five different games based on new films topped the charts in 2007, Spider-Man 3 stands well apart from the others. It was the only one to…

“I offer you power” – God of War II

[After another bit of a gap from guest posts, I’m very happy to introduce one again! I’m once more welcoming David C James, whose previous posts here include State…

“That loopy thing” – Pokémon Ranger

Nintendo’s casual revolution didn’t just start with Wii Sports. Over in the slightly less fraught handheld gaming arena, the Nintendo DS had launched the best part of two…

“Eager to hear about your adventures” – TMNT: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

In the early 2000s, games based on specific movies were becoming a much less regular presence at the top of the charts, with a couple of serial exceptions….

“Commitment to tiberium undying” – Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars

“Whatever you now find weird, ugly, uncomfortable and nasty about a new medium will surely become its signature” said Brian Eno in the mid-’90s, somewhere around the time…